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Adjusting Valves and timing for my 67 CL77

Do we need more: Boards? Topics? Motorcycles? Different organization? Layout? Suggestions on how to improve the h305 Forum.
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Michael Stoic Member
Posts: 312
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:35 am
Location: Boston | USA

Post by Michael Stoic » Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:35 am

Just a friendly request:

Let's please send the "where is your location" type of emails as PMs instead of posts. I'd really like to reserve the Technical Forum Areas for the "on topic" discussion.

Let's be nice to those who will find the posts in future searches. If they find the "valves" topic in a search only to discover anything but on the inside, what good will that do?

BTW, I am moving this thread to the "Suggestions" area because by now that's where it belongs.

Location Parameter in Profile: I'd love to have everyone fill it out, but until there is a clean technological solution (I am looking) we can not force anyone to supply that detail. We most certainly should not rough anyone up because they forgot to or did not want to supply it.

Summary of policy: PM for the location. If they don't supply it, let it go.

Thank you,
Michael Stoic

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