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Painting Advice Honda dream tell me how you did it

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fab Member
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Painting Advice Honda dream tell me how you did it

Post by fab » Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:01 am

Hello !!
I was wondering if some of you guys have had much experience with DuPont paint.

I thought I would ask for your advice about paints as I have come to the end of my search & have not heard of anyone who paints things in the old manner as they would have been painted originally . " Or as close as one can get "

I'm in the process of Restoring & Painting a 1964 Honda Dream , Originally it was paint in a lead base paint & no undercoats were used . The Colour is black Enamel.

All the paint shops tell me to paint it in DuPont modern 2 Pac finishers , But I think these Modern 2 Pac Paints look terrible on old things !!!
Many , many years ago I had a job spray painting Cars , In those days all we ever used was Acrylic & no booth was used. it was all done in the yard & then buffed. I have never sprayed 2 Pac only Acrylic .

Anyway I thought I would have a crack at painting the bike in a air dry type Enamel because that's how it was originally. Apart from Honda having an booth & Oven I would think ? ........ Have any of you guys painted your bikes in Enamel ?? Is so I would like to hear your thoughts on it ??????

I have a compressor & Guns etc ,etc & I thought I would just put up a tarp in the yard & spray it under the Tarp to try & keep the dust down. I thought I could also dampen the Ground with water to help.

So, If any of you have the time & can advise me on this matter & the best process of painting the bike. it would be greatly appreciated .

I would like to know ,What is your opinion about painting this old bike ? , Enamel,? / 2 pac ?/ painting the yard ?/ what paint would you recommend ??

I would very much like & appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

All the very best Peter


Oilleak Member
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Re: Painting Advice Honda dream tell me how you did it

Post by Oilleak » Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:47 pm

fab wrote:Hello !!
I was wondering if some of you guys have had much experience with DuPont paint.

Apart from Honda having an booth & Oven I would think ? ........ Have any of you guys painted your bikes in Enamel ?? Is so I would like to hear your thoughts on it ??????

I would like to know ,What is your opinion about painting this old bike ? , Enamel,? / 2 pac ?/ painting the yard ?/ what paint would you recommend ??

Peter, I used to use RM Diamont base coat/clear coat acrylic urethane which I dearly loved, but my local paint jobber now refuses to sell it in small quantities. Since I only do about 1 bike a year and didn't need large quantities of paint, I had to change over to the PPG Deltron 2000 system. It is also a base coat/clear coat system. I have painted 4 bikes with it so far and have had really good luck. I paint in my garage and have experimented with several set-ups. I get the best results, especially with the clear coat, by dampening the garage floor and sealing it up the best I can against all air flow. By DuPont, I assume your were refering to Imron polyurethane enamel. I have also sprayed that on airplanes in hangars with good luck. It is very forgiving but you need to protect against overspray.

I have never painted in the yard. Don't know how that would turn out. I have found that both Imron and the base coat/clear coat systems stand up to chemicals and gasoline very well.

Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security.
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fab Member
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Post by fab » Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:23 pm

Thanks oilleak for your Reply & information,

Do you thank there would be any dramas about spraying it in the Garage ?

I know it's not like the old Acrylics of the 70's that I use to spray . They were basically dry not long after hitting the panel. But they don't stay shinny for long.

How toxic are modern paints ?, If I spray it in the Garage with a Disposable overalls/ Gloves, mask . Would that be adequate??

I hear of lots of People that spray Clear Coats etc, etc, at home without a booth so it must be possible?
& bike parts is not a large area like a car . / Peter

Hahnda Member
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Post by Hahnda » Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:04 am

Hey Peter,

Last winter I painted my CA77 and my buddy's CA95. Mine was red and his was black. The paint for each was about $10 a quart and it was implemant enamel. To match the red of my Dream I bought 2 colors. Massey Red and Ford Red. Took one of the side chrome panels off the tank and sprayed s test spot to see how well it matched. Well the Ford Red was so close I couldn't tell where I sprayed. So that was the color I used for the whole bike.

Now my paint job is not a show winning job. It looks fantastic to me and will continue to use this paint for many more vintage bikes. The color is not real glossy but to me it looks perfect on a vintage bike. The black on the CA95 was gloss black and that definently does look glossier. Primer was used on both and a clear coat was not used on either.
As far as being resistant to gas, its just fine. I rode my red Dream around Lake Superior in July. 1225 miles in 7 days. At least 14 gas stops along the way. Lots of spilled fuel on that tank. Since I painted it myself I just figured that if it got screwed up on the trip I would just repaint it again in the fall. Well the paint still looks just fine. I do hit it with a coat of wax every now and then to keep the shine up. If you do spill gas on it the best thing I found is to just let it dry, do not attempt to wipe it off.

As far as a home painting job, I say go for it. Set up a booth in the yard and shoot it. I have a small 8x8 portable booth I set up in my shop and that work for us. Cheap spray guns also woked just fine with this paint once we got the settings down and figured out that we needed to thin the paint way out.



Oilleak Member
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Post by Oilleak » Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:09 pm

fab wrote:Thanks oilleak for your Reply & information,

Do you thank there would be any dramas about spraying it in the Garage ?

How toxic are modern paints ?, If I spray it in the Garage with a Disposable overalls/ Gloves, mask . Would that be adequate??

I hear of lots of People that spray Clear Coats etc, etc, at home without a booth so it must be possible?
& bike parts is not a large area like a car . / Peter
Like I said, I always paint in my garage. The big thing, especially with clear coat is keeping the dust (and bugs) out. I dampen the floor before I spray. I used to use a filter and vent air to the outside, but found that it just stirs up dust, so now I close it up the best I can.

The clear coat is the nasty stuff, so you want to wear a good mask and cover skin for that. The color isn't quite so nasty but a mask is still advisable.

P.S. Hey Hahnda, I really like those bike lifts you used on your projects! Thanks for the pics.

Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security.
--- Ben Franklin

fab Member
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Post by fab » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:42 pm

Kevin & oil
Thanks for the info. That tractor paint is probably very close to what the Japanese used in 1964.
There's a Delton supplier not far from here .
I can get all the paints you guys mentioned & I'm making a home made type of booth in the yard out of one of those white plastic portable carports . I'm counting on the bike being easier to spray at home under these conditions because it's not a large area like a Car etc,, Anyway I'm hoping my home made booth will help me do a good job. I have put a photo on for other People who maybe looking for Ideas for spraying bikes at home.
Sounds like a good trip you had on the bikes Kevin !!!......... Arrrrrrrrrrr I'm very Jealous !

Thanks for all your help / Peter [imgImage][/img]

4shorts Member
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Post by 4shorts » Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:27 pm

Guys what ever you decide to use please use the right equipment when spraying. Some of these paints now have isocyanates in them which cause problems with your central nervous system and that's nasty stuff. Don't ask me how I know but all that being said I went with the system you see in the picture. It's a fresh air supply attached to a special mask. The clear coats are the very worst to be around. With out the mask I would have flue like symptoms for days after spraying. Be careful with those paints!

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