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Headlight issue

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hotrodhendrix Member
Posts: 153
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Location: Fort Worth Texas

Headlight issue

Post by hotrodhendrix » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:42 am

Well after trying to hunt down shorts and failing figured I would post my issue.
Dream 305

When idling on fresh battery you can turn on headlight. But when I actually go out riding if I try to turn it on during all my power starting going away and idle starts to die. Shut it back off and its all back. Doesn't matter high or low. Now if I start it with headlight on and go riding I will make it a little bit until I go to stop and pull in clutch. Once the RPMs die it will just die and not restart till headlight is shut off. Battery seems to charge fine with headlight on at idle. With headlight off I have no issues. A short was found on the high beam circuit which I disconnected to see if that was my issue but didn't change anything.

Stator bad perhaps not charging enough for headlight?

Thanks for the help as always,

Posts: 7817
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:23 am

Re: Headlight issue

Post by LOUD MOUSE » Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:16 am

OHM the stater. ..............lm
hotrodhendrix wrote:Well after trying to hunt down shorts and failing figured I would post my issue.
Dream 305

When idling on fresh battery you can turn on headlight. But when I actually go out riding if I try to turn it on during all my power starting going away and idle starts to die. Shut it back off and its all back. Doesn't matter high or low. Now if I start it with headlight on and go riding I will make it a little bit until I go to stop and pull in clutch. Once the RPMs die it will just die and not restart till headlight is shut off. Battery seems to charge fine with headlight on at idle. With headlight off I have no issues. A short was found on the high beam circuit which I disconnected to see if that was my issue but didn't change anything.

Stator bad perhaps not charging enough for headlight?

Thanks for the help as always,

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