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The rebirth of a C78 305 Honda Dream

Want to keep a Restoration Log? Post it here! You can include photos. Suggested format: One Restoration per Thread; then keep adding your updates to the same thread...
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Post by e3steve » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:22 pm

Loved the video timeline, Paul. Brought a lump to my throat! Great result!!

4shorts Member
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Post by 4shorts » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:56 am

e3steve wrote:Loved the video timeline, Paul. Brought a lump to my throat! Great result!!
Brandonrre wrote:Paul,
Great project and great BIKE! I loved reading all your post and comments and are using them as a guide to my restoration project. I have one question, what did you use on the wheel hubs? Did you paint them the same color as the engine cases? Just wondering because they look powdercoated. Once again, great looking bike and thanks for all the information.
Hi guys. I must apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I've been out of commission for a little while.

e3steve I appreciate your comment on the video. It just kind of took everything I posted on here and put it in one complete package. Thanks for your comment.

Brandonrre. I bead blasted the hubs and then I did the wheel hubs first with Etching primer. After the Etching primer was painted I used regular primer and then wheel Grey paint and then I baked them. On some of the other bikes I've actually polished all the hubs but I really think I like the painted look personally and less maintenance in my opinion. They always look clean and are easy to keep clean. Ive done a few wheel jobs for the locals and after seeing both the buffed hubs and the painted hubs most want them painted. I'm sure powder coating would be a great process as well. I've had items powder coated in the past and I have found once it chips it don't last and it all starts to lift but don't base my findings on any of your decisions because you may have better results than I did with the powder coating. Hope this helps. Paul
1964 CT200
1965 C78 305 Dream
1966 C100 Cub
1966 C200 90 Touring
1969 Z50AK1
1972 C70 Cub
1972 CT70 K1
1984 C70 Passport
2003 GL1800 GoldWing

Brandonrre Member
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Wheel Hubs

Post by Brandonrre » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:44 am

Sorry to hear that you were out of commision for a while, hopefully you are feeling better and everything is going good. Thanks for replying to my message. Like I mentioned previously, I am restoring two Dreams and I want to get these back to their original condition as much as possible. I think that the original hubs were just bare magnesium with a clear coat but your painted hubs look a lot better and if they are easier to clean, that's even better. It looks like your hubs are painted the same color as your rear fender/shock supports, carb covers, engine side cases and your handlebar switches is that true? I found some Krylon Dull Aluminum for my side cases and was wondering if that was similiar to what you used? I haven't seen "wheel grey" what brand is that? Thanks for all your help through your postings and feedback, you are truely an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge for me.

1963 CA77
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1966 CB160

4shorts Member
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Post by 4shorts » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:54 am

Thanks Ron. I feeling OK now. the wife said If I didn't get back up she was going to take me to the vet and get me put down so I got right back up :)

I did some digging around under the work bench and found the paint I used on the hubs. It's different than the paint I used on the engine but I really like the stuff. I'm not a purest when it comes to my restorations. If I like the look of something or think it's an improvement over what was there before I'll run with it. I'm just not interested in a points bike although I will admit I never leave a flaw in any of them. The previous owner of my Dream came in to see the bike last year after hearing I had it restored and he actually laid down on his back and looking up under it he said " there's not so much as a dust bunny under here".

Anyway Ron here's a few more pics of the paint I snapped for you. Paul



1964 CT200
1965 C78 305 Dream
1966 C100 Cub
1966 C200 90 Touring
1969 Z50AK1
1972 C70 Cub
1972 CT70 K1
1984 C70 Passport
2003 GL1800 GoldWing

Durangoman Member
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Post by Durangoman » Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:13 am

4shorts, I enjoyed reading your Dream Thread. You have a beautiful bike!!

4shorts Member
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Location: Newfoundland, Canada

Post by 4shorts » Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:40 am

Durangoman wrote:4shorts, I enjoyed reading your Dream Thread. You have a beautiful bike!!

Thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed reading the thread and even happier you like the bike. Appreciate you taking the time to post. Ride safe. Paul
1964 CT200
1965 C78 305 Dream
1966 C100 Cub
1966 C200 90 Touring
1969 Z50AK1
1972 C70 Cub
1972 CT70 K1
1984 C70 Passport
2003 GL1800 GoldWing

Eljeef Member
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Post by Eljeef » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:05 pm

Hey Mr. 4shorts. I am so glad I found your post. I also have a 65 C77 complete with winkers and type 3 handle-bar and I believe it is the identical bike to yours. I am, however, very daunted at the level you have raised the bar on the project. I am very excited about my own Dream and thanks to your in-depth documentation including photos I will have an easier time of it. Well Done! Regards, Jeff Hebert. P.S. I too am having trouble with the Ministry of Transportation in getting an ownership created. Seems like the C77 serial number is completely foreign to them and "every vehicle has a v.i.n., I don't care how old it is." I will find another member of the gov't to deal with. :)

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