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Front Fork Top Bridge Dilemma

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Seadog Member
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Front Fork Top Bridge Dilemma

Post by Seadog » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:46 pm

I have two '66 Superhawk projects. One came to me as a roller, the other as a bare frame. The difference in the frame serial numbers for the two is 3911 units. Both are 104xxxx. The bare frame is the newer. The roller has a 1966 wiring harness tag, so I'm assuming the bare frame is a '66 also. The roller has aluminum lowers ("sliders").

I'm trying to put a front end together for the bare frame and I need a top bridge. Honda's parts book lists 3 bridges and according to the book I should be looking for part number 53230-268-060, which is for all frame numbers after 1030130. Sounds simple, but it's not.

My problem is this: I've purchased a bridge AND I've looked on ebay for that part number and I've found at least two other NOS 060 bridges. Both have the original parts tag. Both look the same. And they look like the bridge I purchased. However, they do not look like the bridge from the '66 roller. See the photos below. The bridge from the roller is on top in all of the photos, the 060 bridge on the bottom.

It the top photo, which is the underside of both bridges, the 060 bridge has a lip around both fork leg mounting holes and a pair of short ribs near the top of the center hole.

In the bottom photo showing the upper side of each bridge, the 060 bridge has a larger raised flat area around each fork leg mounting hole. See that more clearly on the right hand photo.

To make the matter even more confusing, I took a look at the bridge on my 1964. It's the same as the 060 bridge, with the lip around each fork leg mounting hole and the two short ribs!

Which is correct for a 1966 104xxxx? Are the tagged bridges on ebay wrong? Is the bridge on the roller wrong? Is the bridge on my '64 wrong? Can anyone set me straight?


AlanW Member
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Post by AlanW » Fri Jul 13, 2018 3:55 am

Hi Seadog, The bridge at the top with no lip is for ally fork bottoms (late) the other is for steel. The centres are different, check one against the other. The later triple tree is also different centres so the one with no lip requires a late tree, the slot for the clamp bolt is different. A friend Ray Wiesbrott had the same problem but I had enough spares to sort it for him.

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Seadog Member
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Post by Seadog » Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:08 am

A big Thank You to both AlanW and CKnight for setting me straight on these bridges. Fortunately, I can exchange the early bridge with the seller, who is a good friend, and the triple tree I purchased some months ago is the correct later model.

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