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arcaidy Member
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305 Performance

Post by arcaidy » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:17 pm

I have a 66 CA77 and a 69 CB350. The Dream is a nice running bike while the CB350 is needs a bit of work. I bought the CB as more of a future project. Anyway, the difference between the CB and CA in performance is dramatic. So much so that I am questioning the running condition of the CA.

I'd liken it to having two bikes of the same size with the CB acting like a two stroke with a nice power band... A quick look at the stats shows only 8 HP difference between the bikes. I understand there are other differences as well, but should there be that much "seat of the pants" feel between the two?

Is it normal for these two bikes to be that different?

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Jethro Member
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Post by Jethro » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:40 pm

I know how you feel. I have a '63 CA77 and a '73 CL350. I think there are a few factors that contribute. The biggest one to note is acceleration in my opinion as well as rmp's. My CA accelerates really well but I feel like I have to shift much earlier on my CA. It just doesn't seem right to rev the 305 as high as what the 350 can take. Also, I catch myself looking for fifth gear on my CA if I haven't rode it in a while. Another one is the transmission. The 350 just functions so smoothly compared to the 305. I don't know about everyone else but I find myself thinking about the transmission and what gear I'm in a lot more on the 305 than on any other bike. It just requires more finesse. This kind of goes without saying but, there's a rather drastic difference in suspension too. So you're not alone. I think the 350 is a lot more fun to ride. Just my opinion.


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brewsky Member
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Post by brewsky » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:51 am

The CA77 specs state 23 HP, and the 350 shows 36 HP, quite a bit of difference, not to mention the extra gear on the 350.

You should definitely be able to feel a 50+% power increase.
66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing

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