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Clutch will not release

Clutch, Transmission, Drive Chain, Sprockets
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Terry McKitrick Member
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 7:33 pm
Location: St. Albert, Alberta Canada

Clutch will not release

Post by Terry McKitrick » Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:56 pm

I am restoring a 66 CP77. I got the engine running and tuned (thank you Ed Moore for your tips in the FAQ's). The clutch wil not release. The cable is new and moves the mechanism in the housing freely. When I push on the rod that the cable mechanism moves, I can push it in easily with my finger, and the rod moves back out when I release pressure (not very quickly). The rod moves out of its housing a long way. I pulled on it, and it easily moved out about 2 inches. At that point, I though it may not be a good idea to see if it came out all the way, in case somthing dropped off it inside. Is there an FAQ on how to service clutches? I have the shop manual, but it is wrtten in a language soewhere between bad English and poor Japanese.
Terry McKitrick
CP1000077, CP77E1000074
St. Albert, Alberta Canada

Posts: 7817
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:23 am

Re: Clutch will not release

Post by LOUD MOUSE » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:01 am

Not to worry about the rod. It can be removed and reinstalled and no problems will happen. I have seen Honda instructions which say to adjust the casting backwards. Loosen the 10mm bolt, twist the adjuster backand forth then tirn closkwise to stop than back 1/8 inch. Tighten the 10mm bolt.
Question?????? Have you removed the clutch cover and seperated and oiled the plates.
If the engine has set for long the plates can stick (rust) together and now may be a good time to clean them if you haven't already. ...........lm

Terry McKitrick wrote:I am restoring a 66 CP77. I got the engine running and tuned (thank you Ed Moore for your tips in the FAQ's). The clutch wil not release. The cable is new and moves the mechanism in the housing freely. When I push on the rod that the cable mechanism moves, I can push it in easily with my finger, and the rod moves back out when I release pressure (not very quickly). The rod moves out of its housing a long way. I pulled on it, and it easily moved out about 2 inches. At that point, I though it may not be a good idea to see if it came out all the way, in case somthing dropped off it inside. Is there an FAQ on how to service clutches? I have the shop manual, but it is wrtten in a language soewhere between bad English and poor Japanese.

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