Frozen Clutch (still)
Frozen Clutch (still)I have loosened off the 10mm nut and adjusted with the large slot. No difference. I took off the left side, removed, cleaned and oiled the clutch discs. They were all in good shape. I did find a nut, washer and lock washer that had come loose that I reinstalled. The long bar that goes from the left to right side moves freely (about 1/4"). I cannot move the rear wheel when the bike is in gear. Should I be able to move it by hand when the clutch handle is pulled? I have posted a picture of the bike with the left side cover removed on my site at The inset at the top left is the nut I re-installed. Could someone please have a look at this and maybe point out somewhere to look. Could something else be seized? How do I check to see what is binding? I know how 2 piece auto clutches work, but this multi disk oil bath thing has me baffled.
Terry McKitrick
CP1000077, CP77E1000074 St. Albert, Alberta Canada
Terry, Don't know if this is much help but the two bikes Iv'e redone had sticky clutches and I just tossed the old fiber discs and replaced them with new.I believe once they get sticky or otherwise bad they arn't worth the time to mess with. This is really such an easy system to work with,you can Pull the lever and see the pressure plate lift and release the force on the discs.That is if the adjustments are at least close! You can look at the discs thru the openings in the basket and tell when there is pressure or not. One thought, Have you checked the number of discs and spacers against what you see in your manual? I didn't see the year of your bike but the older ones have a slightly different set-up than the '65 and up models. I think the light bulb is about ready to turn on here and you will get it,Good Luck! Steve Greer
The bike looks like a good start, a few unoriginal parts replaced and it will look great. As far as the clutch goes, is the spring clip on the shaft hooked in correctly? I had a bike that had a poor clutch because when I pulled the lever in the whole plot moved over, other than that Steve is correct, if the fiber plates are old and gummy nothing will help. Start with the lever, cable etc and make sure the segment you are looking at is working as you expect it to. Another bike I have owned had a sticky cable- even though it was new. Hope this helps. Matt
Also into Alfa Romeo Giuliettas and Giulias! Looking for a Giulia Super. Just curious since I cannot see the right side cover close-up, is the adjuster(where you loosened the 10mm bolt) installed correctly and is the ball bearing inside it still?On my CA77 the P14 stamped on the adjuster is to the left as you look at it and the slot at about one o'clock or so.Like in previous post pulling the lever in you should see the clutch pack move with the cover off.Also, I found when my clutch sticks alittle from sitting putting it in 3rd or 4th gear makes t easier to pop it loose by rocking back and fourth.Since you took the plates apart it should not be stuck though.Is this the 4 plate disk set-up?Did you split the case?You may have a more seroius tranny probem.Hope it helps.