Clutch, Transmission, Drive Chain, Sprockets
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by LOUD MOUSE » Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:43 am
I didn't think the parts info ever showed 6 steel plates so I was surprised when ya stated you saw it.
I've checked 6 fiche and 4 parts books from different years and although they go from 6-5 some show only 5 friction but always only 5-4 steel. ...............lm
piecutter wrote:So far I've seen the mistake back to the January 1977 CL77 fiche. It disappears again in the Febuary 1978 CA/CB/CL77 issue only to resurface again later. As far as the steel plates go, it never says 6, it just shows the normal increase from 4 to 5. I'm digging up some older fiche to see how far back I can trace it, not that it really matters, I just want to be able tell the guys that maintain the database how deep it goes. They seem to react with a bit more conviction when someone's obviously done the homework.
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by piecutter » Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:20 pm
Oh, the inconsistantsies are numerous! Suffice it to say they made the mistake early on and through the many many changes in wether or not the new fiche had single models or multiples, the info got all mish-mashed! April 77 shows early CL's with 6 frictions, then goes to 5 at eng.#1001703, and 5 steels changing to 4 at eng.#1001704! This would mean 1001702 would have 6 frictions and 5 steels, while 1001704 would have 5 frictions and 4 steels, while only one bike, 1001703, would have 5 of each! The same issue fiche for the CA and CB shows no qty changes for either model, and only part number changes for the CA.
The modern system shows 6 frictions for CB and CL's up to 0109755 and 5 after 1012460. What happened to the 902,705 bikes in between?
As far as the steels go, I never actually said 6, I just said "increase" , as in 4 to 5. This is also misleading, since I never really touched on the "B" steel. Some people might lump that in with the rest of the steels to make it 5 or 6 depending on the eng. number. There is even more confusion with that one in the modern system, with 5 different part numbers that leave gaps and overlaps all over the range!
Nuff said.
Anyone rebuilding his clutch should not trust the guy at the parts counter unless he's been around a long, long time and hasn't proven senile yet. Otherwise, have your engine number and a picture of your clutch hub ready to send to LOUDMOUSE for final disposition. All I can really do is tell you which part numbers are still available from Honda.
You young guys better remember this stuff! Otherwise who's gonna be around to straighten out the newbies in 2057?
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by LOUD MOUSE » Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:22 pm
The white springs are 1 1/4 inch.
HONDA doesn't have any and hasn't for a long while.
I get mine when I tear down an engine with them in it. (usually a 66 0r 67)
I have spares if needed.
If you have the aluminum centered friction disc I think ya should use them. .............lm
ggray wrote:OK, got the wires out and the plates look good..........No missing pieces on the friction material and plenty of slot depth.
Now, As far as the clutch springs................Ed alluded to a set that Honda came out with that had white paint on one end. Mine do not. Should I change springs while I have the clutch apart??
Are the ones with the white paint still available????? Part Number??????
I checked the length of mine compared to what my repair manual stated for minimum lenght (Replacement length) and I was only .005 above the absolute minimum. 1.315" being standard length and 1.275 being the replacement value length. I was around 1.280"
Do these lengths sound right?????????
This is the first time into a clutch and I don't want to have to pull it apart again if I don't have to.
Thanks in advance......
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by madtrout » Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:10 pm
So, Here's my experience with replacing the clutch in a 1963 CB77.
When I disassembled the clutch it had 5 friction plates, 1 thick metal plate and 4 thin metal plates.
It also had 2 grooves for the wire plate holders which were also installed. I ordered replacement discs part number 22201-MK2-000. The new plates were approximately 1/32 in thinner than the original discs. When I installed the 5 discs the basket was not filled up. It was approximately 3/16 short. I then installed a 6th friction and metal disc. The basket was nicely filled and when I pulled in the clutch lever I was able to rotate the clutch by hand. Tested it on the road today and it worked great, smooth and progressive with no slipping. Seems there are more varieties of CB77 clutches than there were life forms in the Cambrian explosion!
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by danielmoto » Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:03 pm
hello all, just removed my clutch of the cb72 and wondered if someone could help me out on what i need to purchase as ive read all the posts on clutches and im now totally stumped as yep youve guessed it ive found six friction plates (they seem to be made of a plasticky fiber type) and six metal plates, first ones are just over 3mm and the metal ones are 2mm thickness.
Any help would be much appretiated as ive fried my brain on this one.
Ps i just new my luck i would blooming well find six of each.
many thanks wayne aka danielmoto


Any cure for the classic bug, as ive got it bad.
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by LOUD MOUSE » Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:34 pm
A while back I found a couple of the 6 plate clutch's. (have 3 wires)
Both were 1964 bikes.
One problem is that clutch doesn't have the THICK first plate which was used to keep the first plate from warping from heat.
The friction plates can be replaced with 6 of the 22201-MK2-000. ..........lm
danielmoto wrote:hello all, just removed my clutch of the cb72 and wondered if someone could help me out on what i need to purchase as ive read all the posts on clutches and im now totally stumped as yep youve guessed it ive found six friction plates (they seem to be made of a plasticky fiber type) and six metal plates, first ones are just over 3mm and the metal ones are 2mm thickness.
Any help would be much appretiated as ive fried my brain on this one.
Ps i just new my luck i would blooming well find six of each.
many thanks wayne aka danielmoto
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by danielmoto » Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:41 pm
im going to say this out loud and i just dont care who reads it or hears it YOUR SO COOL loud mouse i knew you would know cheers for that.
Any cure for the classic bug, as ive got it bad.