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CA77 Exhaust Flange

Posts: 7817
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:23 am

Post by LOUD MOUSE » Sun May 27, 2007 9:52 am

These are stock for the CL72/77 and used on all one piece CB77 exhaust pipes.
HONDA made 2 types but both types work the same and can't be seen when installed.
The rosette with the groove on the inside is the one made to use with these and the one piece mufflers. ..............lm

Dogsbd wrote:Actually, and I should have mentioned this earlier, I only had 3 "clams". And there are differences in all three such that no two make a real good pair. Given the miss match of the flanges and the mangled up weld job on the header pipes/aftermarket mufflers I'm assuming that someone who knew less about these bikes, or certainly cared less, than even I do has been working on it.

As I am putting new headers/mufflers on the bike (and I will NOT be welding them together) which of the two types of flanges should I use? I assume the narrow diameter, 14 fin one. If so, what kind of "clams" do I need also?

Attached are two more pictures, of the clams. I flipped the middle one around to match it with the other two to show how they pair up. The two outer ones match even less than either of the pictured pairs. And to top it all off the middle one appears to have hacksaw marks on it (but you can't see them in the picture) where evidently someone cut it down shorter!

So you can see why I am at a loss as to what SHOULD be on the bike.

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