Are Honda Dream clutch's hard to pull
Are Honda Dream clutch's hard to pullI have put a rebuilt clutch, new cable and lubed up everything and I still have a beast of a pull on the clutch. My hand get real tired of squeezing the clutch. Is this just the way they are?
The original clutch was hard to pull as well. At this rate I may have to get out the hand springs and beef up the hand LOL Brad 1974 CT90
1964 CA77 ![]()
Re: Are Honda Dream clutch's hard to pullHow did ya route the cable and is it longer than stock?. .......lm
Ok I will try a photo.
The red arrow is pointing to the lube fitting cable was the same length as the old one cable from left side of headlight at the hole on the side to the right side of bike into hole on frame down tube into air cleaner out side cover to clutch. Now notice that my cable is more to the back of the cover. 1974 CT90
1964 CA77 ![]()
I suppose ya did fill the threads on the adjuster and inside the part it fits into with high temp grease. How many friction disc in the clutch.
I'm also concerned that when the kick lever is folded in that it isn't indexed to 11:00. ...............lm
1974 CT90
1964 CA77 ![]()
I thought that was the one I sold ya. Is there plenty of grease in the adjuster threads? The cable does go in nice smooth turns?. ........lm
Well I put grease in the cable nipple but not at the ends I will do that this weekend and look at the turn in the air cleaner it would be the sharpest turn in the setup. Something is binding to be sure today's ride I had a popping of the cable as I squeezed it a not smooth but dragging feel. Starting to wonder about how good the new cable is.
Thanks Brad 1974 CT90
1964 CA77 ![]()