by MoonDream » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:52 am
Hi from the crazy woman. I just posted to the CL77 forum but wanted to come here and share..i bought yet another Dream..that makes 3 now..and yet to ride one..snow everywhere and I have a lot of work and learning to may remember I am 66..well guess I feel rushed to addiction..we paid $1200 for a pair of bikes on Ebay last night so I will post the pics for opinions husband is thrilled with the scrambler..the fellow took a carb off the scrambler and put on the dream but we will rectify that! The mufflers are wrong on the CA..can't wait to see them in person..anyway is this a good deal? Another question, what gas to you guys run on that are regular riders..Bill Silver says not to use alcohol so do you use different O-rings and gaskets or what? Have time..feet of snow and 12 this AM..LOL so I am done buying Dreams for you believe that? Are bills REALLY important HA-HA
- CA