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CB72 charging

Charging System, Wiring, Lighting
h305 Moderator
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Location: Mallorca, Spain & Warsash, UK

Post by e3steve » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:47 am

Hi Marcus,

See attached scans of pages 34 & 35 regarding carb adjustment from the handbook. Do yourself a big favour and get a Shop Manual on eBay: ... dZViewItem
Paper instruction is invaluable when playing with critical settings, or you could end up burning valve seats or even holing a piston with the wrong settings!

A handbook is a good idea too; just eBay search for 'honda cb77' - loads of stuff available and handbooks & good copies crop up from time to time.

Batteries are quite cheap, but whilst I was in UK last month getting prepared to transport my CB77, I was quoted £50 for one; I got one here in Mallorca upon my return, trade price form a battery specialist for €28 - £22!! Take a visit to a specialist, not bike shop! The original batt is 9Amp/hour, but I got a 7A/h (their 9 was physically too large) - works a treat. If you can get a 9 the right dimensions, all the better. Better to wait if one needs to be ordered.

This is a great forum with really good guys (and possibly gals!) more than happy to share info and experiences. 247 & 305 riders remain united!!

Regards to all,

Steve (a fellow Brit and enthusiast)

Phil-UK Member
Posts: 229
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:04 am
Location: ENGLAND

Post by Phil-UK » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:10 am

Hi Marcus

Are you in the UK VJMC ? There's a lot of CB72/77 stuff available from there as well as discount at some spares places. Like others have said a manual is a good idea ( if not always exact .. and
the english is a bit dodgy ) and I would highly recommend Bil Silver's Restoration Guides. His description of the charging system is very apt .. its only designed to produce about 80w.

I try to charge the battery about once a week anyway - an Optimate connected when not in use
will keep it charged. If you don't want to connect a lead or lift the seat to connect a charger you
can connect it to the starter solenoid ( connected direct to the battery ) and earth by lifting the rubber cover.

If you are getting a decent DC output across the battery with the engine running then the battery is
probably toast and needs replacing. The reluctance to start on the starter unless you jump start it
could also be down to the battery not having the oommph; but you may want to check:-

1. Starter solenoid ( down by the left side of the frame by the rear of the engine )
Check contacts are clean as any resistance will drop the power the starter received.
2. When it does turn over on the starter is there any squealing noise ? - sometimes the rollers
can slip.
3. Check for a good earth connection - there is a braided earth strip from frame to engine which
earths all the electrics - again a dodgy earth will reduce power to the starter motor, lights etc.
measure back to the battery earth side.

There are CB72/77 manuals on Ebay but if you can't find one drop me an email, may have a spare one.



( in Soggy Sussex )

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