Electronic Ignition
CB77E electronic ignitionThank you "allthumbs" for the response, but do you have a contact email / 'phone number for Little Engine Service? Also being from across the pond in England I am not sure of your terminology inference - does "some money" mean Little Engine Service will require a lot, or a little money?
what I remember of my conversation is that I immediately dismissed it as an option. that's just a result of my budget right now. I don't remember the price, definitely more than a little money. He has one though and I hear it is a really good one, he also has stainless valves and springs for racing among other things, valve springs for regular apps.
I'm sitting here completely unaware of where his # is, you have to call and talk to him. if you PM me I will find it.
Check out the electronic ignitions that are available on Ebay for the chinese clone crf50 and etc. Cheap, around $50 including flywheel, magneto, cdi etc. May have to mod the mag shaft. It looks like they come with or without a charging coil. I'm gonna use one on my 51' Indian Brave to eliminate the POS Lucas. If all works I'll build a setup for the Dream beater that I've got. I don't see any reason that by using an additional pickup at 180 degrees that it wouldn't work for the 180 degree crank as well. These things come with electronic advance built in so we should be able to bolt to the crankshaft and eliminate the mechanical advance entirely. Mark The ignitions that Les @ The Little Engine Shop/Vintage Advantage are PVL magnetos adapted to fit CB72/77's. They are for ign. only racing applications not for charging/running lights. The price is around $800 for the setup. If you are interested in one PM me and I will give you his number. As for Bore Tech's lame explanations about why they dont carry the electronic igns. anymore it is a load of horseshit! Resident guru Swame LOUD MOUSE has a pretty good explanation dispelling this myth somewhere here on the forum. In addition I have been runnin one on my street bike for almost 5 years without a single problem. georGe
Ton Up Club-Florida AHRMA #500 Road Race #G50 Cross Country
Too bad about the E/I NLA situation. I want to get the charge system upgrade from ricksmotorsportelectrics.com. It delivers all the generated power to the battery whether or not the lights are being used. It is said to support a 55w headlight.
Surely that would meet the requirements of the discontinued E/I… rats.