Dream has become a Nightmare! CA77
Dream has become a Nightmare! CA77Hey guys, great site filled with invaluable info! Many thanks to all the gurus. I think I've read every post in every thread here!
Purchased a 1967 CA77 that has sat for 15+ years. Here's the story: Bought a battery. No spark. Cleaned points, new plugs. Got spark. No fuel. Removed and cleaned carb. Floats were stuck as well. Freed the floats, thoroughly cleaned the carb. Got fuel. Got it to run. Rough. Fouled plugs. New plugs. Adjusted mixture screws. Got some good rides in. Still shaky at mid/full throttle. Still running rich. Starts on the first kick though. New plugs again, new plug wires. Adjusted the carb jet down 1 notch as suggested here. Runs terrible! Motor idles high and gradually gets higher and after about 30 seconds it revs and shuts off. Plugs fouled. Still rich. Air screw (angled one?) almost all the wayin, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 turn out although adjusting it doesn't seem to have any effect at all while the motor is running. Any ideas? I'm going crazy here! lol. 98 octane gas, fresh oil. Thanks in advance guys!
NightmareClean the tiny hole that goes straight thru the low speed jet.
Re: NightmareThanks Jim! Is that the little piece with 8 tiny holes in the sides and 1 hole straight through? If so, it's clean. Update, I pulled the carb after I posted, tore it down and got out a caliper and measured the floats. They were @10mm too low. Raised them to 26.5mm. How hard is it to blow through when the valve is open? Seems it has a good bit of resistance but air will go through. Jet is still set to 2nd notch from the top. Right float has signs of a leak. Can I brush a thin coat of 2-part epoxy on the leaky float without screwing up the weight of the float? Thanks!
Re: NightmareThe slow and high speed jets both kind of look like that. Did you check both?
Re: NightmareI didn't find a second one... Unscrewed the one I did find and cleaned it good. Where is the other? Under the float valve? Thanks Phil!
I'm trying to picture it in my head, but yeah, it's parallel with the main jet and probably hidden by the float. It's deep at the bottom of a tube and comes out with a flathead screwdriver. It looks like a mini version of the main jet. I was able to clean mine with a single tine pulled from a wire brush. You should definitely see a *tiny* pinhole in the center of the screwdriver slot.