I was checking over the carbs on my CB72 after problems and realising that the cylinders are running differently. Checked and reset float levels etc., then thought I'd check for wear in the needle jets by taking out the needle jet holder and main jet assembly and dropping a spare needle into each carb in turn and seeing how far it went into the needle jet.. that make sense ?
Anyway the same needle went into each carb to a different depth which is when I noticed that the actual needle jets stick out into the throat of the carbs by different amounts.
So, can anyone tell me how far into the throat of the carb the needle jet should stick out ?
I assume its possible to tap the needle jet further in or out but as I don't know which is correct
( or if either is ) I have no reference.
Think I've also seen these referred to as emulsion tubes if that is of any use.
Any advice gratefully received,
CB72 - How far should Needle Jet stick out ?Thanks to those who contacted me direct,
Stripped the carbs and found a couple of problems so have selectively assembled them to give me same height of needle jet and fit between the actual needles and needle jets. Genearl concensus was that the needle jets stick out @1.5mm above the floor of the carb. cheers Phil