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One side tends to stop firing

Points Based Ignition | Electronic Ignition Upgrade
kylechanh Member
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Location: San Diego, Ca

Post by kylechanh » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:25 pm

I'm sorry to report that it didn't work. Petcock also cleaned. Same problem. Letting it rest seems to be a very temporary fix. Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Phil-UK Member
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Post by Phil-UK » Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:30 am


You said it runs for about 10 minutes before the L/H cylinder dies and then will restart after a bit;
about how long do you have to wait and once it fires up again on both cylinders will it run for
another 10 minutes or does the "up" time gradually reduce ?

I'm thinking if it was an electrical component overheating that the time it will run for will gradually
reduce as each time it starts off warmer.
If it was fuel then I'd expect it to run the same time/distance each time before the float bowl or
whatever ran dry.

Any noticeable difference in the temperature of the ignition coils when it dies ?

If you have enough slack in the low tension wires and the HT leads you could swap the wires at the
points over and swap the HT leads to match. That way you would be switching the complete
ignition systems between the 2 cylinders proving condensers/coils/leads and caps.

Another remote possibility ... try it without the points cover on. I had problems after replacing
the condensers where I'd accidently trapped one of the new wired under the points cover.
When it got hot enough the insulation melted and it could short the wire to the engine .. in fact
this was on the L/H cylinder as the wire went through an acute bend to get to the points which are
the nearest to where the wires come in.

may be worth checking,

good luck


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Post by LOUD MOUSE » Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:51 am

Do you have a hose on the brass tube on the bottom the the carb bowls?. ......................lm
kylechanh wrote:I'm sorry to report that it didn't work. Petcock also cleaned. Same problem. Letting it rest seems to be a very temporary fix. Any other ideas would be appreciated.

kylechanh Member
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:32 pm
Location: San Diego, Ca

Post by kylechanh » Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:18 pm

Phil and Loud Mouse,

Thank you for all the ideas and advice. It seems that it had something to do with the points and/or wire routing (possible pinch to cause a short or overheat?). I removed the points cover and routed the wires off away from the engine. This fixed the problem. I am not sure exactly what did it, but are glad that it is working properly.

Thanks again.

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