average voltage accross battery?
average voltage accross battery?ok, with lights off around what voltage is average accross the battery. i get around 13.8 with about 1/4 throttle. i know my other bike is higher like in the 14.5 range. <br /><br />does this sound ok? i've replaced everything besides the stator.
Ryan Siefring
1965 Honda CA77 Dream 1996 Honda CBR 900 RR
Re: average voltage accross battery?Ryan, That sounds real good to me, is that with the headlight on or off? It makes a difference also if its on low or hi beam.Steve
Re: average voltage accross battery?yeah, i noticed that diffrence also, i was testing it with lights off. I'm thinking that if you use the electric starter a lot it will drain the battery, or something, because i can keep the bike running once i use the kick star and everything seems powerd well, but if the battery stats getting low on juice it doesn't seem to regain it very quickly.<br /><br />also, on a side note i fixed my rear light ground. I've been riding my bike around quite a bit lately and it's amazing.
Ryan Siefring
1965 Honda CA77 Dream 1996 Honda CBR 900 RR
Re: average voltage accross battery?Ryan, Way to go on the tail light! I not real sure on this but I think that is normal for the charging systems on these. How about a float charger hooked up at night or when your not using the bike. I think alot of guys are doing that.I am. Steve Greer
Re: average voltage accross battery?Hey, that's not a bad idea to put a charg on it everytime. Right now though i'm trying to see how well the bike is able to recharge it's self after use. I've got abour 30-40 miles on it now that i've had it working well and everything seems to be running great so far.
Ryan Siefring
1965 Honda CA77 Dream 1996 Honda CBR 900 RR