CB77; 6 - SPEED GEARBOXI think there was an article in Classic Racer about the 6-speed box fitted to the CB77 based bikes that Bill Horseman and other rode in Oz and at Daytona; basically he used about 40-60lbs of welding rod so not an easy mod !
Think this bike might be at the Barber museum now. The Nova transmissions were 5 speed clusters for road racing that were said to be completely unsuitable for the road. However, someone here in the UK got interested in a road cluster and Nova put together a quote that would have needed 10 buyers to make it a goer, but only 3/4 put their hands up. The situation now ( so the person involved tells me ) is that Nova are doing another batch of racing clusters and have decided to make a prototype road cluster ( same shafts as the racing box I guess but different ratios ) which can be a testbed on the road. It won't allow a kickstarter ( not sure why but I suspect Nova layshafts are solid unlike the original which has the kickstart spindle running through it ). If I hear any more I'll post it here .. hopefully when its installed we can get the press interested and maybe test it. cheers Phil
Not sure if there are other threads about this so I decided to bump this one. Found these two solutions for a 5 speed gearbox. This one has no price:
http://www.honda305gearset.co.uk/honda- ... d-gear-set And this one is crazy expensive: http://www.phildentonengineering.com/pr ... p?pid=1236 Lots of cools stainless stuff on the second site. Any feedback on either one? CB350 trans does not fit. Honda used to supply a 4 speed close ratio race trans and later, a 5 speed race box. Nova in the UK are the manufacturers of ALL the 5 speed street and race trans AFAIK.
Jerry Kooistra in South OZ has done a few 6 speed conversions. The originals were sold to Bill Snelling in New South and he sold them to the Barber race team. Jerry has subsequently made a couple more new and improved versions. I have not seen inside one, but from the articles over the years, it sounds like he cuts away most of the webs and welds up new "walls" in the crankcases and then re-machines everything - crank bearing spaces as well as new positions for the 6 speed CB360 gear shafts. Of course it needs a gear driven cranks and that require a different crank and that requires a whole other bunch of changes. In essence he essentially machines a new engine from scratch to take a different selection of parts. Not for the feint of heart.
The first is similarly-priced. See page 2 of this thread. Nice pic of 6 speeder....
http://www.honda305.com/forums/viewtopi ... ight=jerry G '60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F