honda dream clutchhonda dream clutchHey, whats up. Well I am working on my dream bike and have found another problem, the clutch will not engage. I checked the cable adjustment and still have same problem. After taking the cover off I found 5 disks and am not sure if they have enough wear left in them. Can anyone tell me how thick they should be on the wear pads and also where I might purchase new disks and friction disks. <br /> wolfpack
Re: honda dream clutchWolfpack:<br />I don't know anything about these clutches but I've got a Clymer manual!<br /><br />For C72/77 (I assume Dreams?) clutch friction disc, 4.8 to 4.9mm thickness with 4.4mm Min. thickness. Flat within .2mm. There is no mention of quantity.<br /><br />It is interesting that for CB72/77 clutch friction disc thickness is 2.9 to 3.0mm with Min. at 2.5mm. Also flat within .2mm. However, for CB's the book says "One set is 6 sheets"<br /><br />Hope that helps.<br /><br />Tom
Re: honda dream clutchTom and Wolfpack, Just wanted to say the reference in that manual to cb77-72 clutche discs is for the older models,pre '64 I believe. after that they use the 5 disc composit disc set up like you have in your CA.
Re: honda dream clutchDo you mean your clutch is slipping? Not sure what your original problem was. Your slotted adjuster on right side cover should be around 1 or 2 o'clock and P14 should be on left side of slot. Should have about 1/8" of play at lever.Also, there should be a ball bearing inside of adjuster on inside where the clutch rod goes into it. May be hard to tell if it is missing if full of grease.
Re: honda dream clutchtom and fly,<br /> once again thanks for the support and quick response. The clutch is not slipping, it is stuck. In other words when I put it in gear it instantly engages and takes off, I think I found the problem, the clutch disc were stuck together. However, I have chosen to go ahead and replace the friction disc,s. As far as I know they were the original disc that came with the bike. I will look for that ball bearing, I do not remember seeing it when I took it apart. Hope I did,nt misplace it. I will keep in touch with my progress.<br /> Oh yeah, where can I find a new throttle assembly for the handle bar.? Thanks again Wolfpack
Re: honda dream clutchWatch ebay for the throttle grip assy.