[forwarded from email]<br /><br />I have seen a Police bike similar to what you describe in a honda dealer's collection in central Pennsylvania. I don't know if it was a cb 450 or the cb77. I am not that familiar with the honda cb350/cb450 series. I know it had the special speedometer and the siren was still intact. The dealer had it in "original and unrestored" condition. The dealership is Bob Logue<br />Motorsports in Williamsport Pa. The address is Lycoming Creek Road.<br /><br />In return for this information, if you have any similar information on Police bikes for the Honda CX500 and CX650 series of motorcycles, please<br />pass this along. Or if you have any other special information about this series of bikes.<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Anthony Graybill<br />
tbill@tricountyi.net<br />