I just, for the first time, cleaned my carbs. Using the Ron Silver manual's specs I set the float bowls to 22.5 mm using a set of digital calipers. I did this by ballancing the bowl so that the bendable tab on the floats is just barely touching the spring valve thing. So lightly that it is not compressing it at all. From there I measured to the ultimate top of the floats from the edge of the carb. There is a groove along the side that is lower than the rest of the edge, I did not measure from the bottom of the groove; instead I measured from the edge as if it were even all the way around.
I put the carbs back on, opened fuel lines, bam! both carbs overflowing like crazy. Clearly I measured the float heights wrong. But how? Am I measuring from the right points?
Another question is the position of the clip on the main jet needle. I set it to the second from the top per Ron Silver's advice, but when I took them out they were in the top position. Am I right to drop them down to the second?
Thank you!
'66 CL77