by brians305 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:29 pm
I took my carb apart cause it has 3-year old gas in it, and the engine would not start. I found the float stuck, and decided to clean-out all passages. The idle ciruit jet (38 stamped on it) with a diffuser tube on the other end was plugged when trying to blow cleaner through it. My question is: Should this jet be plugged? I've never seen one like it befiore, so I drilled/reamed it out to .038 inches. The drill removed something white, but no brass so I thought things were cool. Upon reinstalling to the bike and filling with fresh gas, bike fired right up. Now it runs way to rich at all engine speeds, and has an unsteady idle. It never did that before.
Any thoughts from other carb magicians?